Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Introducing - the pImPhone

Say your iPhone has been developing cracks, some "naturally" developing and some caused by the unbending principals of physics...what are you options?

1. Try to get Apple to repair it under warranty (just make sure your phone hasn't been through the washer and dryer. They'll notice that).
2. Live with it.
3. Pimp it!
I chose option 3. The cracks were in the back shell of the phone, so the only way to fix that is to replace the entire back of the phone. That involves dissassembling the entire phone because everything attaches to the back. So that's what I did:

These are all the little pieces that magically come together to make an iPhone. And most of them, especially the screws, are tiny!
Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to take apart.

Now that phone was taken apart, time for a new back! I found a company in Hong Kong that made backs in different colors. I chose a blue one which, upon arrival, turned out to be much more purple (it even looks more blue in the picture right below). And thus was born the Pimp Phone!

Everything went together pretty smoothly, and when I buttoned it all up, wa-lah! it still worked. Don't you wish you had a pImPhone too?

I realize now why I thought the new back was blue. When I tried to take a picture of the finished phone, it came out blue, which must be what happened when the site I bought it from tried to take a picture of it. I adjusted the camera in my second shot so that it looked more like it really looks to the human eye. The material must be such that it photographs blue. Weird.

1 comment:

Unguren said...

That is one sweet pImPhone! Only you would ever think of something like that. That's awesome.